The Gift of Volunteering: A Journey of Personal Growth and Life-Changing Impact

Image with purple circle with phrase by MATT HAIG: Find a passion as greater as your fear. The way out of you mind is via the world. - MATT HAIG

The year is 2020. Covid-19 has changed life as we know it and I’ve just landed in England to start my new life—in the middle of a global pandemic. I left behind everything I knew in sunny South Africa, which was a decision not made lightly, but I thought it was time for a change. I wanted to challenge myself and push myself beyond my comfort zone, and I certainly did just that—just not in the way I had planned.

I envisioned an incredible new adventure where I would meet like-minded people and start a career that I thrived in. None of that happened. Instead, my reality was three extremely long years of depression, loneliness, and disappointment in myself. All of my friends were thriving. They were getting married, working their way up the career ladder, and were happy. I tried not to compare my life to theirs, because I know we all have our own timelines, but it was hard not to when I was in complete despair. What’s wrong with me? Why won’t someone give me a chance? Will I ever be happy again? These thoughts tormented me daily.

Fast forward to the end of 2022, I was doing my daily job search feeling despondent that yet another company would send me a rejection letter. They were all looking for years of work experience, which I didn’t have. I felt like giving up. Like I wasn’t good enough for anything. And then I stumbled upon a volunteering position at The Dandelion Philosophy.  

When I opened their website for the very first time I was welcomed with vibrant colours, creative images, and such humble and honest text. I was absolutely engrossed by everything I was seeing and reading, and I have been ever since. Here’s a charity that’s challenging the very concept of charity itself. “I need to be a part of this”, I thought. So, I nervously applied, really hoping another rejection letter wasn’t pending.

Thankfully, the opposite was true. I was welcomed to the team by Nazeem Harvey, founder and CEO. How nerve-racking that the CEO was actually speaking to me! I would soon learn this was an organisation that was far from my stereotypical conceptualisation of a company. The Dandelion Philosophy is a real team. The people I’ve met in the past six months have inspired me, challenged me, and made me feel worthy.

We work together, for each other, and for the greater good. We have one vision, one mission, and we act as one.

Nazeem changed my life. Not only by giving me the opportunity to be a part of The Dandelion Philosophy, but for the person he is. Throughout your life you will meet people that will have such a colossal impact on you, they become impossible to forget. Nazeem is that person for me. He challenges your thinking and acknowledges your contributions—no matter how small they may seem. He values you for the person you are and believes in you entirely. He is humble, passionate, and the epitome of kindness. He has taught me that one act of kindness may seem inconsequential, but it has a ripple effect that leads to great change. “One becomes many, and many becomes change”—one of The Dandelion Philosophy’s core beliefs.

Though I have only been with The Dandelion Philosophy for six short months, the impact this organisation has had on me cannot be measured. I’ve found my place at The Dandelion Philosophy. I’ve found my voice, and larger than that, I’ve found myself. To be able to say with unwavering conviction that I know this is exactly where I’m supposed to be and what I’m meant to be doing is such a privilege. This isn’t just volunteering to me, it’s a passion—maybe even a vocation.

The Dandelion Philosophy is so much more than a charity. It’s more than volunteering. It’s a family. A safe space. A collection of beautiful souls all working together to reach a more equitable, kind world. I am incredibly grateful to be contributing to a cause so unique and powerful that aims to change the lives of many, and they’ve certainly changed mine.

Image with green circles with phrase: LESSONS I'VE LEARNT FROM THE DANDELION PHILOSOPHY:

Thank you to The Dandelion Philosophy for giving me hope, inspiring me every day, and making me realize that there is always something to be grateful for.


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