Practitioners of Purpose™
The Dandelion Philosophy is embarking on a mission to grow, empower, and mentor thousands of people worldwide, and what better way to start than by harnessing the power of a group of global volunteers aligned with our mission.
The Dandelion Philosophy currently consists of a worldwide fellowship of change-makers called Practitioners of Purpose™, who work every day to create a new consciousness and impact through transformational kindness.
The Practitioners of Purpose™ program is the backbone of The Dandelion Philosophy and increases our organisational efficiency by allowing us to make more productive applications of existing funds and person-power.
Our Practitioners of Purpose™ program seeks to revolutionise volunteer programs and become the model for start-up organisations.
Being a Practitioner of Purpose™ means making a personal commitment to:
The Practitioners of Purpose™ program harnesses our volunteers’ productive labour, expertise, and diverse networks to raise funds, develop new programs and initiatives, and widen The Dandelion Philosophy’s global footprint of service and transformational kindness.

Practitioners of Purpose™ OATH
I vow to humanity, to myself, and to the source of life, by whichever name resonates with me,
that I will consciously carry out each day, according to my greatest ability, this oath.
To live firmly grounded in deep, loving-kindness for all; to uphold the highest honour & respect for all; and to look for the light, in each living being, I encounter.
To appreciate the Earth’s abundance & giving with sincere gratitude; and to remind myself that She is a living source of life & nourishment, not a resource.
To recognise and understand that the scars of the past still hurt so many today;
and to do my part to bring new meaning to that pain through loving compassion.
To see each living being as an extension of my own being; to perform my service with the highest truth and integrity,
and to never exploit another for personal gain, fame, or any other self-promotion.
To show heartfelt humility, thoughtfulness, and dignity, to every living being I encounter;
and to strive to become proficient in my oath, through my thoughts, my words, and my deeds.
With humanity and truth as my witnesses, and according to my highest ability & discretion, I lock this intention deep inside my heart.