Our Feeding Pods: From Hunger to Hope
Laura Wilkinson Laura Wilkinson

Our Feeding Pods: From Hunger to Hope

The Dandelion Philosophy is first and foremost a constantly growing and financially rewarding social enterprise grounded in the belief in shared values. Our businesses act as a powerful channel for societal collaboration, empowerment, and doing good with lasting and measurable impact. This journey starts with our humble containerised kitchens called “Pods”.

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The Silent Struggle: Understanding the Effects of Poverty on Children
Laura Wilkinson Laura Wilkinson

The Silent Struggle: Understanding the Effects of Poverty on Children

Poverty is a pervasive problem that has a profound impact on the health, development, and future success of children. The effects can be long-lasting and can perpetuate the cycle of poverty for future generations. It’s important we recognise the ways in which poverty affects children and work to address these issues through targeted interventions and policy changes.

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Black Lives Matter: Addressing Race, Unconscious Bias, and Privilege
Nazeem Harvey Nazeem Harvey

Black Lives Matter: Addressing Race, Unconscious Bias, and Privilege

Black Lives Matter is a movement that seeks to recognize and support the many generations of black individuals and families who have suffered from racial trauma and injustice across the world. The core principles of this movement centre around the idea that all people should be treated with respect and equality, regardless of their skin colour or other physical attributes. While there are a number of movements across the world working to address these issues, such as social justice reform, education reform, poverty reduction initiatives, and other efforts for change, the Black Lives Matter movement stands out as one that is particularly aimed at recognising how unique the experiences are for black and brown individuals.

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