Healing Hub

Today, with just over one week away from the closing of what, for most, was an eventful and incredibly challenging year, we at The Dandelion Philosophy remain intentionally optimistic and hopeful about the prospects of growing peace, environmental awareness, and human consciousnesses.

A few weeks ago, we introduced the Community of Cambridge Village in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa—a small community facing nearly every conceivable social challenge with almost no private or government intervention.

Despite being described as being “obscenely fertile”, the Eastern Cape region of South Africa is one of the poorest regions in the country.

With an abundance of rainfall, sunshine, and rich land which yearns to nourish its people, The Dandelion Philosophy sees the potential for holistic and transformative growth and healing for Cambridge Village and its surrounding communities.

To enhance our capabilities and increase our long-term growth impact on the community of Cambridge Village, we are excited to share with you one of our Key Strategic Priorities or 2023.

In 2023, we will be embarking on an adventure unlike any we have led or participated in before.

We’re buying a farm, and we’re calling it The Healing Hub! Our vision for this intentional healing space is a bold but very realistic one—so long as we have the right support. The farm and our vision include:

  • up to 60 acres of sustainable farming using vertical farming techniques led by our wonderful partners at VMG (Vertical & Micro Gardening);

  • a food distribution site to address malnutrition and ensure food security
    for over 7 500 people

  • skills training for the building of our containerised kitchens and bakeries;

  • a community, cultural, and healing centre;

  • beekeeping and “The Dandelion Philosophy” branded honey;

  • a garden centre, coffee shop, and intimate eco-glamping retreat; and

  • long-term employment prospects for over 100 people.

All of our work in Cambridge Village is in partnership and collaboration with the Cambridge Youth Society (CYS), and guided by members of the community.

We have the vision.
We have the plan.
We have the people.
And now we need you!

I’ll be the first to admit that the idea of asking for help, especially when it’s financial, is uncomfortable for me, but on reflection, I am reminded of two very important facts:

Fact 1: all the work The Dandelion Philosophy has done to date, including feeding almost 10 000 people daily, has been entirely self-funded.

Fact 2: I learn every day from our incredible team and partners that the sum is greater than its individual parts.

Our Board of Directors, Strategic Advisory Board, Leadership Team, the Cambridge Youth Society, and hundreds of volunteers in 35 countries around the world, have worked tirelessly to understand the challenges affecting South Africa.

The result of our work is a robust and sustainable solution that ensures long-term collective impact, success, and much-needed healing in some of South Africa’s most impoverished communities.

And so, today, I am going to challenge myself to overcome my own discomfort by asking for your help.

“This work is not from me, but through me. It is not for me, but with me.”

We need the support of individuals, businesses, corporations, and all of our partners around the world.

We would love for you to join us, and we invite you to become a part of The Dandelion Philosophy’s Healing Hub.

Here are some ways you can support our work and help transform the lives of people in some of the most destitute of places:

  1. Make a donation at www.dandelionphilosophy.com/donate

  2. Sign up to volunteer with us

  3. Become a partner and friend of The Dandelion Philosophy

  4. Repost and share this message with your friends, families, and colleagues

And if you would like to meet with us to learn more and discuss how you and your organization can help, please email us at giving@dandelionphilosophy.com.


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